Team Eastside Cycles is infamous for their Thursday Night Rides, aka: TNR's. Our fearless leader, Rick Holscher was MIA for the last 2 TNR's so we had a couple substitutes. In typical TNR fashion, the rides were maybe a little overzealous. On the 17th, Mark Schafer proposed a ride up 3 Bears to Watchman, from their, take 5 Mile Gulch, aka The Trail of Tears, up to Ridge Road. From there we were to ride across the ridge to Dry Creek for a spirited descent. It was clear that some of us were more excited about post-ride beers as we made a few stops along the way to the Ridge. It was a gorgeous evening albeit a little chilly on the ridge. We realized we didn't have enough light to make it to Dry Creek. This meant a quick detour down Trail 4a to Trail 4 to 8th Street. Our group kicked up quite a bit of dust coming down 8th Street on the way to Scotts and we had a couple near misses with some big ruts.

Eric Zuber burped his front tire in what could have been a nasty wreck in an "unseen" rut. (see the yard sale photo and the mini-pump photo) At least we had a nice sunset to enjoy while we waited for Zuber to complete 1000 pumps. (29'ers take more air) I believe one of our newcomers "tacoed" his wheel in the same rut. Luckily it was a rear wheel and he was able to ride home.

We descended Scott's, Corrals, and Bob's and head down to Sunray for the ever popular beer and pizza.
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